Previous Seasons > Season 3 Sunday 24 November |
OverviewDate range: 2004.05 - 2004.07 Division ADouble eliminiation Cup (losers bracket) with 8 teams.
Division BDouble eliminiation Cup (losers bracket) with 8 teams.
MissionThe latest mission for CTITC season 3 is mfcti_cr-4.1_ctitc_s3_v1.1.anilym.pbo. Read CR Changelog here. Download required addons for CR-missions here.RulesThese are the rules for Season 3 of the CTITC tournament. The rules are preliminary and subject to change. 1 Teams§1.1  Each team must have least one CTITC Team Leader (TL) who is responsible of match bookings. §1.2  A team must register at least 7 players and have their squad-XML available before the season start. §1.3  Only team members are allowed to participate for a team and a player may only play for one team in the Cup, but may change team between seasons. §1.4  A Team can register new players for their team during the season. 2 Matches §2.1  All matches are played using a CTITC-version of the mission of the season on a CTITC approved server. The mission is 7 vs 7. §2.2  A match is replayed if the server crashes. §2.3  A match is restarted with a NEW commander if a teams commander looses connection within 10 minutes from start. §2.4  Match is NOT restarted if a squad leader looses connection. §2.5  A team must have at least 5 human players at start, i.e. max 2 AI squad leaders at start. §2.6  If a match is not won within the time limit of 4 hours the match must be replayed until a winner is found. §2.7  The side (west or east) a team plays is pre-determined in the brackets (see Bracket Tables). §2.8  A proposed matchtime in the matchbooking thread must be responded to within 48 hours. If it is not, it will be regarded as accepted. 3 Exploits §3.1  50% of a building must be visible, i.e. not more than 50% of a buildings volume may be buried inside another building. §3.2   §3.3  All players are to use a mod-folder with the name: @ctitc, which should include all addons used in the tournament. During connect to a match, load only that mod-folder. This is to make sure everyone uses the same addons, ie. is not cheating. To clearify this; you are to have addons used in CTITC in a folder called "@ctitc/addons", the addons used in CTITC is; "Baracken.pbo" with the size of 1 992 164 byte, "ctitc_addons.pbo" with the size of 447 139 byte, "KEGak107.pbo" with the size of 950 100 byte, §3.4  If a player creates an ammobug, that player is responsible to attend to it, if he fails to work it out, the game is either won by opposing team or replayed, referees decision. This is to make sure that the game is as lagfree as possible, and to be sure that the ammobugs isn't made on purpose. 4 Referees §4.1 The admins assign referees for games and teams have to accept it. §4.2 Global channel is to be used by Teamleaders and referees only on the referees request. If a player spam and/or use foul language in the ingame chat, he/she can be kicked by the referees, and will not be allowed to play the game. Should the player be kicked before the game, another player can replace him/her, but if the player gets kicked during the game, the team will have to do without him/her regardless of how many players the team has online. Also see § 4.3 §4.3 A player can be reported, on the grounds stipulated in Matches §4.1, by the referee(s) to the CTITC administration, if the players use of spam or foul language has been severe. The administration will decide what measures to take, and can suspend the player from CTITC participation. An admin can not take part if the admin and the player in question belong to the same team. Teams Season 3This is a list of the teams that are interested to join season 3.